Two weeks back Brooke Shaden Photography visited The Netherlands to host her workshop arranged by DraumList and we had the best weekend. 
I knew Brooke is an avid Doctor Who fan, as am I so I suggested a collaboration theme shoot with her. 

We had a mini Tardis and I setup my studio while she was giving the workshop. And somewhere during the last workshop day we grabbed 5 minutes to pose ourselves, had Yvette Leur Photography push the shutter and within minutes we had our shot. 

So stoked to be sharing this with you all. And thankful for everyone involved. 

We should do a workshop together!!
For the Image I used a variety of images, the weeping angels are grabbed from google image search. As is the planet.
The rest is made with photoshop brushes. Photography was done with two softboxes, one as the main coming from upper right, and one was used as a rimlight from the left.
Colour toning and overall image looks was done using curves and Nik Tools plugin. 
"The Companions"


"The Companions"

a collaboration of two awesome artists sharing a passion for Doctor Who, in this fan-made image.


Creative Fields