FIN is a magazine that focus on creative and passionate people around the world
"FIN is a publication about creative, unafraid, passionate and modern women and men who inspire us by the way they live, work and think."
FIN is about people, so the artwork I made for this project was meant to reflect the abstract sides of the human mind. A kind of way to represent all the thoughts that never gets spoken out loud.
The cover page
The front and back is without any form of text or logos so as to create a kind of mystical feeling and to further expand on the concept of thoughts.
The logo as seen after flipping the first page
Every headline is also drawn in the same style as the pattern on the cover
The pattern can also be seen on most of the pictures of the people 
The backside of the magazine
The pattern, drawn with a black ball point pen on a A4 sized paper
Sketching of the logo. The headline texts was done in the same way.
FIN magazine

FIN magazine

This was a school project and not for the actual FIN magazine.
