Tank Rivals is a Unity3D-based online multiplayer tank arena game, with networking powered by Photon Cloud. I worked on the game as the sole artist for the project during my internship at Rival Edge Pte Ltd.
The game was developed over a span of 3 months, with the game's design and art were done by me while the programming was done by a full-time programmer from the company. During this project, I learned to work with Unity3D's art tools and Shuriken particle system. I also learned cloud networking and modern web development practices while working with the Rival Edge team.
The game was shut down before a launch and instead released as a single-player mobile game with the same name.
Tank Rivals

Tank Rivals

A Unity3D & Photon Cloud multiplayer battle arena game. Tank Rivals was developed in 2012 as my internship project with Rival Edge Pte. Ltd.


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