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50's Environmental Postcards/French Paper Samples

I created these postcards in order to raise environmental awareness in a tongue-in-cheek way, while serving a dual purpose in educating potential French Paper customers about what types of paper they can order, in a convenient sample book. The postcards can either be left in the booklet, or torn out of their perforated seal and kept as a reminder to be more environmentally conscious. The postcards use a vernacular of 1950’s advertising to humorously highlight ten major environmental issues, while the backs represent a more serious and educational 1950’s style to give an in-depth look at these problems. The characters in the cards represent the naiveté of the consumer, and are completely oblivious to environmental issues. These were created with the hope of being able to educate consumers, while giving them a memorable, fun experience while browsing paper sample booklets, which can be a frustrating process from time to time!
50's Environmental Postcards/French Paper Samples

50's Environmental Postcards/French Paper Samples

This was done as a school project where pastiche, appropriation, vernacular and other methods of design were to be included in the postcards. The Read More
