Bold is a groundbreaking and controversial magazine for graphic design and visual culture. This edition covers the topic of gender roles. The name "The Gender Issue" fits perfectly to this theme since it has a double meaning which relates to issue such as gender issues and also a magazine issue.
The magazine is divided into six different smaller booklets based on the concept of multicultural community. The division is made to reflect the idea of equality and that every article has the same importance. Thus there is not a particular start or end, not something that has a higher priority than anything else. The colored sheets represent equality and that everyone is included. The table of content is placed on a paper ribbon around the box, to emphasize that this really has not much importance. Bold should not be read from beginning to end, but should be read in exactly the way the reader wants to prioritize. The content is collected in a box which represents the goal of an inclusive society.
The magazine's values ​​are quality, pioneering, innovative and challenging. It has an edgy tone-of-voice, which is assertive without being preachy. The magazine is sensational, high quality, and visually appealing. It should strive towards becoming a global trendsetter.
This was a group project created by 5 students (Kristine Joramo, Lars S. Høie, Stine Kunkel, Tim Levang and Eva Dufey)
during Editorial Design (fourth semester of my Bachelor in Visual Communication).


Bold is a groundbreaking and controversial magazine for graphic design and visual culture. This edition covers the topic of gender roles. The nam Read More
