Ultravirgo's profile

Tow Center Identity

The Tow Center for Digital Journalism, part of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, explores how the development of technology is changing journalism, its practice and its consumption. We launched a new identity for the Center based on a radical idea - what if the logo itself analyzed journalism and morphed based on current activity in the industry? 
The 'heart' is designed to dynamically change in electronic settings - reacting to and communicating real-time data on digital journalism, becoming a live infographic. This dynamic, informative approach reflects the Tow Center's place at the center of this rapidly-changing field, communicating their commitment to being the pre-eminent resource on digital journalism.
Each ring represents a different news topic. The size of each ring is determined by the amount of digital activity for that topic at that point in time, with the data pulled from three live sources and plotted along three axes: content generation, consumption, and discussion.
Tow Center Identity

Tow Center Identity

Dynamic, data-based identity for part of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University.
