There are artifacts from the past that have significance to us. From our grandma’s old jewelry to the photo we found in a thrift store. They have back stories we will never truly discover. We could guess to where they originated, but we won’t know what they meant, or what the person who previously owned it felt towards it. As part of the cycle, our belongings will be sent away, thrown out, and donated. Someone else will rediscover them and treasure them as we did. 
For this project I photographed everyday familiar things from home. Some of subjects in the photographs contain a small back story, others I wish I knew more about, and a few are things I do not wish to let go.  
I printed them as cyanotypes and toned them a split rose/blue/brown tone. Some are more rosy than others and remind me of my mother’s wine. 
Mysterious Guise

Mysterious Guise

Series on trying to keep memories.


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