EDI Postcards
Two proposed postcard concepts, designed for a Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs campaign designed to make people reexamine their attitudes toward disability. The first series depicts a man and woman, whose bodies, when viewed closely, are composed of the names of numerous physical and mental disabilities. When viewed from a slight distance, the words blend together, making them appear as any other photograph. The text on the back of the card translates as, “See the person, not the disability”. The second concept, which was chosen by the client, features the message “Disability Lies in the eye of the beholder” washed away and unreadable. The same message is embossed in braille; thereby giving advantage to those who can read braille, and leaving the sighted reader at a disadvantage.
EDI Postcards

EDI Postcards

Two proposed postcard concepts, designed for a Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs campaign designed to make people reexamine their attitude Read More


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