“There Be Dragons” is a monthly pack specifically targeted at creative people showcasing, perhaps, unknown inspirational areas of interest within towns across the United Kingdom.  These cities are often overshadowed by the industrial powerhouse that
is London, so the concept behind “There Be Dragons” is to illustrate what else the country has to offer, and what could be potentially inspiring, and beneficial to a Creative’s work.

The “There Be Dragons” name
 and logo, is based on a term coined by cartographers in the middle-ages, representing new, and uncharted lands. My focus was also on making the packets personal to the receiver, rather than an app or digital element, through the use of a hand crafted, and urbanised themes, and featured a selection of different paper stocks and printing techniques to do this.
Each pack contains a map of that months city of interest, along with
a booklet featuring key places, colour-coded for specific creative professions; namely graphic designers, illustrators, photographers and fine artists. Stores and areas of interest are also highlighted within the booklet accompanying the map within the envelope.
The pack also contains postcards showcasing work from local artists and designers, as well as business cards, flyers, leaflets, and stickers,
from various local creative agencies, people, and studios. 
The ‘Places’ Guide accompanying the map features both information about the city through the use of a mini infographic, as well as a little about that city’s history with the arts, and on the flip-side, a small summary about each place of interest within the city.
Though interesting for all creative professions, each attraction is highlighted with specific colour to represent who would find it most relevant. For example a photography gallery could be more appealing to a photographer than a fine artist).  These brief summaries also include opening times, and their twitter name, in case any further research into the attraction is required.
The A2 sized maps included with the packs are minimalist in design, but are functional enough to give the creative-visitor idea for where the places of interest are located through the set of numbered pointers, as well the rough direction they are in if these places are located off the map. The A2 sized maps are small enough to fold neatly into the envelope, but also large enough to use as keep-sake posters.
Each pack contains five postcards featuring art and design work from local  creatives, giving our visitor an idea ofthe type of work the city is producing. Each postcard features one of each profession categorised within the places booklet: photography, illustration,graphic design, and fine art, as well as a postcard designed by a studio in that months featured city. These images are also featured on a pack of stickers also nside the envelope.
The back of the postcard features the artists name, their profession and their personal website.
Along with postcards and stickers, each envelope contains a selection of business cards, promotional flyers, money-off vouchers etc., all from that city.  These can be used to advertise interesting shops which the creative visitor could be interested in, such as art and camera shops, but also coffee shops and trendy clothing stores. Some offer the creative visitor cheaper access to attractions, or money off items. 
Though some of the items here are based on existing stores or design agencies, I created new branding for each one, to give variation to the packs. Plus I enjoyed making up new names and places, and branding them individually.
There Be Dragons


There Be Dragons

University FMP :: 2014/15
