Indra Widi's profile


Playstic Land Effects
A Silent dialogue in distortion and transparency of the space and time.
A continuation of the mini project exhibition concept that we've done through the installation works of our previous photo - 'Playstic Land', held at the Tourism College - Youthteria 2011 at Halfway Kuta Beach Bali. Further reinforce the concept of plastic and meaning contained in it, namely a silence, wrapped in a plastic bag dialog.

There is a dialogue that we want to work through the installation of this photo. Photo series that we put in plastic bags filled with water that sunlight is biased, implying about the silent conversation - without words (untitle). We invite connoisseurs appreciate with their self when they saw the series of photos that were in it.

Like screaming in the water, but without any further statement, like to show you of something, but without instructions, so easy if we look at and say, so close, yet choked by plastic walls and the volume of the surrounding water. As if the meaning is easy to translate the contents of each photo in a plastic bag, but turns into a question as the sun that makes the display of the installation work into silhouettes and shadows.

Luminescence that allowed sunlight to enter through the works of those sometimes lead to another when there is a perception that crying face photo to be funny because of the distortion effects of the plastic bag. The red color on a sinister leg to orange when the sun shone on it from falling right back. All the teachings change function when a closer look and may hold, rotate, or reverse such works.

This mini project will be the mainstay of the work of our dialogue through the medium of transparent plastic in the form of series in it. In our exhibition series this time, transparency in silent dialogue is an interesting theme, when we liberate visitors interact with and appreciate themselves, without the need we point to a particular title or description.



A Silent dialogue in distortion and transparency of the space and time.


Creative Fields