Fact: the train gets you faster at your destination more often than you think.
Perception: No one believes that.
But take traffic lights, traffic jams and even trying to find a parkins space into account. Sure, we have to admit that a delayed train does the same. But that happens less often than you think. In order to get this truth across and to help travellers (especially those who drive their car during busy hours) to consider taking the train we developed an objective unbiased, realtime route planner. That both plans the fastest actual train route aswel as the fastest actual car route. So that anyone can compare the two means of transportation at the moment it really counts and for their specific use. An unique collaboration between Dutch Railwails NS and TomTom. Of course, at many moments the car gets you there faster. But more often than you think the train beats the odds. And the car. 
NS Filewissel

NS Filewissel

Alternative way of showing the train is a really good alternative to get somewhere as easy as in your car or even faster.


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