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3 Must-Reads for Marketing E-books

Authors who aspire to make it big are slowly trying to venture into the world of self-publishing. Before getting involved with print, these authors usually take a shot at e-books. For one, publishing e-books is less expensive. However, producing e-books instead of print doesn’t guarantee your book’s immediate success. Despite their rising popularity, you are still one of the many authors publishing in this medium. Test the waters before you dive right in. Here are a few of the bestselling e-books on Amazon that will teach you the nooks and crannies of successful e-book marketing.
1.      Book Launch by Chandler Bolt and James Roper [Kindle Edition]
This book offers you marketing strategies utilized by people who have dominated the business world, including Dave Ramsey, Donald Trump and Oprah! Revel in the success stories aimed to get you excited about this entire process. Yes, success is not a myth. This book will guide you every step of the way, from brainstorming on what to write about, to publishing, to creating buzz and on to making profits. Tips and techniques are available for self-published authors on Amazon. You can learn how to top the bestsellers lists on the giant online book retailer. If that’s not enough to get you to read this book, you should know that this book ranks #1 in the Kindle Store and #2 in Books for Business Writing. Learn from their success!
2.      Your Epic Book Launch by 15 #1 Bestselling Authors from Around the World
This book ranked #1 in Kindle eBooks for Entrepreneurship & Small Business: Sales & Selling, #1 in Kindle Store Reads for Business & Money and #1 in the Kindle Store for Media & Communications. You can’t find a better way to learn how to reach success. With 15 authors providing you with various techniques and methods, you will definitely be able to learn the ropes of this business, and eventually, you’ll find the method that suits you best. From brainstorming to writing and creating a marketing plan, these 15 authors have not missed a thing. This guide will teach you how to get your book done in a short amount of time without ever having to sacrifice quality. You can even learn how to use social media marketing: how to use Facebook to your advantage!
3.      CreateSpace and Kindle Self-Publishing Masterclass - 2015 Second Edition by Rick Smith [Kindle Edition]
This book ranks #3 in the Kindle Store for Design and #17 for Publishing & Books: Authorship. In this book, you’ll learn the 16 golden rules to be a successful Amazon author. Like the many books and articles about successful book marketing, this provides the basic steps from brainstorming, writing to publishing. What’s unique about this book is that it provides indie authors who want to take things into their own hands a chance to learn and design their own books. It will teach you what software to use to enhance the organization, creativity and production of your book. You will learn the importance of book reviews and of using the right keywords to engage your target audience. You will also learn all about pricing.
These books provide various methods and techniques to become a bestseller. Before you carry out any of them, you should know your capabilities and your market first. Some things they mention might not exactly apply to your setting. As you go through these books, try to picture out what is possible. When you’re absolutely certain of the strategy you come up with, give it the best you’ve got. Pour all your heart and soul, and maybe someday, your success story will inspire other authors.
3 Must-Reads for Marketing E-books

3 Must-Reads for Marketing E-books

Here are a few of the bestselling e-books on Amazon that will teach you the nooks and crannies of successful e-book marketing.


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