Arseniy Lubkov's profile

Mobile workplace "Eggomobile"

The project of mobile workplace "Eggomobile" is a fundamentally new way of the office space. It’s the office chair, combined with the working surface, is equipped with wheels for movement in the workspace. The source of inspiration was the shape of an egg. Working inside, the person is individual "capsule" that allows him to not change their position and to move easy without interrupting work.
«Eggomobile»  is equipped with mirrors, additional lighting, glass holders and cute step back so you could ride on a trolley in the supermarket.
«Eggomobile»  will appeal to the heads, wanting to keep control of all departments, or employees who for more productive work need to quickly change the location.
Mobile workplace "Eggomobile"

Mobile workplace "Eggomobile"

The project of mobile workplace "Eggomobile" is a fundamentally new way of the office space. It’s the office chair, combined with the working sur Read More
