Pool Grant 
The $10,000 Pool Grant is back for 2012! 

Entries close 22nd April and for full details visit www.thepoolgrant.com 

Pool created the Pool Grant in 2009 as a way of giving back to the photographic community. Specifically aimed at emerging talent, the grant's aim is to help fund the development of an artist by way of providing $10,000 toward the fulfilment of a project.

This year, we are very excited to announce that the The Pool Grant winner will be announced, and last years winning entrant will be exhibited, as part of the Head On Photo Festival.

The $10,000 Pool Grant could give you the chance to complete your personal project. Simply submit your artists statement (150 words max) and a proposal (300 words max) detailing how you will make your project a reality along with some examples of your work.

The jury will consist of Pool photographers, Sean Izzard , Simon Harsent , Danny Eastwood, Christopher Ireland and Ingvar Kenne.

The winner of the 2012 Pool Grant will be announced on 24th May 2012 at the Pool Grant exhibition, where Pool Grant winner, Brodie Standen’s work will be on display.

The Pool Grant exhibition is proud to be a part of the 2012 Head On Photo Festival.

Past Recipients

2011 - Brodie Standen

Brodie's honours project in 2010 'The Space Between Men' began to examine masculinity in contemporary Australian society and explored the complex and multi-dimensional relationships between young men.

With $10,000 Pool Grant funding he will extend this theme onto another body of work that continues to bring some of these issues to light and we look forward to seeing his final body of work at the 2012 HeadOn festival.
Copyright 2011 - Brodie Standen
2010 - Bridget Mac

The 2010 recipient of the Pool Grant, Bridget Mac, impressed us with her proposal to take portraits of creatives (artists, musicians etc) who grew up in the Eastern Bloc, particularly in East Germany, before the fall of the Berlin wall.

Her aim was to document how the artists grew up, how they got to where they are today and the influence history has had on shaping their art and careers.

Copyright 2010 - Bridget Mac
Pool Grant

Pool Grant

Pool Grant


Creative Fields