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Natural Architecture Photo Essay

Architecture and nature are both aspects of our daily lives that often times go unnoticed. We acknowledge they exist but rarely consider their significance, the role they play or how our lives would be drastically different without them. Even if we recognize architecture and nature, we do not typically look at them critically or even notice a relationship they share.
The phenomena of the physical world, usually related to the intrinsic characteristics of plants, animals, and other features of the universe; or for lack of a better word, 'nature' has been an essential part of human life since the beginning fo time. Over time, as humans have begun to advance, we built structures adn shelters. These structures not only protected us from nature, but were constructed out of and reflected the nature all around us. This process of planning, designing, and constructing physical structures is known as architecture. Just as humans have progressed over time, so has architecture. All great civilizations throughout history have relied upon architecture, we even identify some cultures with their surviving architecutal achievements. While architecture is vastly different from that of its early days, the central goal is still the same: provide a functional, cost effective, aesthecially pleasing structure.
The goal of my photo essay is to cause the viewer to be changed by my works and begin to look at architecture differently. I want them to see the natural elements that come out in al works of architecture, whether intended or not, and to realize that nature effects all aspects of life just as architecture does.
Natual Architecture 1
Natual Architecure 2
Natual Architecure 3
Natual Architecure 4
Natual Architecure 5
Natural Architecture Photo Essay

Natural Architecture Photo Essay

A photo essay that looks at the connection between architecture and nature.
