Are you afraid of the dark? Not even a little? No, of course you're not. It's the things that might be in the dark that scare us. The creak and groan of the floorboards in the middle of the night when nobody's awake or the scratching of a branch against a window that sounds just a little too alive. 
No one knows this feeling better than children. That's why they sleep with the hall light on or a nightlight next to their bed. A child in the dark knows that there is only one rule to keep the creeping shadows at bay: stay in the light and you'll stay safe...
This series was inspired by memories of that childhood fear. Please enjoy and check back for updates as the series is refined and adjusted.
This series was developed in part as an assessment task for my Specialisation class at CATC Design School in Melbourne. My choice of specialisation was low light photography, particularly involving exposing images for the highlights and letting the shadows fade out.
As a part of this assessment I am required to collect feedback for these images on both a technical and aesthetic basis by this Thursday 23/04/15.
Any feedback on individual images or the series as a whle is both welcomed and encouraged.