Cloud City - Entry 1
Connor: Man of Many Talents & The Great Time Manipulator - Entries 2 & 3 [ft. Connor, Theresa, Benny]
Tiny But Deadly [ft. Mariale] - Entries 4, 5, 6
The Familiar - Entry 7
As I stood there, staring at the end
I was confronted by a face
unknown, yet familiar
I knew not what awaited me
And so, I greeted it
afraid, yet feeling safe
I smiled
Entry 8
The Grand Mind Show, Pinball Wizard, and The Puppeteer - Entries 9 -12
Feelin' Tingly - Entry 13
Moustache Man & Cloud Catching - Entries 14 & 15 [ft. Pedro and Ana]
Entries 16 & 17
A Talk With the Creator - Entry 18
Departure - Entry 19
Departure (from the station)
The smoke exhaled from the train
As if to speak; a visible voice
Emitting a fog, and then simply just vanishing
Entry 20
Entry 21
Group Entry 22
Entry 23
Of Giants - Entry 24
Pools of black spilled across the earth
Drowning what seemed like everything in abscence of light
They eclipsed the sun and towered over the city
Their presence shot fear into our very being
The calmness in their movements and behavior served only to frighten us further
For we knew not what they were, what they wanted, and where they came from
We knew only that things would never be the same
Entry 25
Project: Doodle

Project: Doodle

The project focuses on consistently sketching on a daily basis for as long as possible. Of the work created over the duration of the project, the Read More
