Writing poetry has been something I have always been intrigued by but I never really got into it much.  A year ago my father, battling with drug addiction, depression, and bipolar disorder, took his own life.  It has been a hard year for the family and myself.  This hard year has inspired me to try a lot of things, poetry being one of those things.

Been jaded for fortnights
Could never know what felt like
Holding a steel knife or tying a rope tight.
But he took his own life
He was in his own right
He took his own life
Nobody else right?
Almost a year since
So many tears since
Walking a tight rope
One side a volcano
On the other a halo
He gave me the best fight
Left with the worst spite
And pain of the worst type
A wound that can't heal, a feeling unrepealed.
26 fortnights of living my own life
Separate from real life, looking for real light
Feeling of frostbite looking back on my insight
My soul must be stuck in flight after it left back 26 fortnights.
Mine wasn't the only one’s who boarded that flight
Back on that night, of course my Dad's did
But he was the captain, we were just the cabin.
Now some have landed, while some are still stranded.
No matter flight patterns, we pick up our lanterns
Remembering his laughter still 26 fortnights after
Looking forward forever, just birds of a ruffled feather.
Life Will Remain
By: Dan DiDonato

Seasons have changed one full circle today
Rain clouds have come and left, bringing more than just rain
The sun has been close and showed us it’s rays
And left us again with clouds of dark gray
No matter how seasons have passed still one mark remains
Where lightening struck down and took life away.
Dead, blackened, burnt wood who’s roots still remain
Still connected but conflicted with how to maintain
Such a loss was detrimental, these roots have grown strained
Without a tree and it’s leaves to give reason for the day.
But that tree left behind more than just frayed roots stuck in clay
For the tree was fruitful and now seeds have been laid
Spring will come soon and these roots will give way
A path and a reason for life to remain.
The Weeping Willow
By Dan DiDonato

The Weeping Willow's branches break
as the the Wretched Winds take their shape.

Brilliant the branches who hold their ground
through the endless waves that pound and pound.

Lesser trees start taking flight
as the Weeping willow still stands upright.

Now what seemed like eternity has come to an end
And the Weeping Willow's branches are back to their natural bend.


This is poetry that I wrote after a year of trying to deal with a terrible loss.
