Ruby S's profile

Al Jazeera News- AJ+

We all are part of the same entity. An entity of ideas, emotions, actions. Do you see that we are inseperable, like threads in a fabric, target a single thread and the fabric may fall apart. You are merely the first thread in the fabric of your story. 5 designers. 50 traders. 500 child labourers. 1 dress. Your story is bigger than you. AJ+. Complete your story. Sign up with and get in touch with your stories on your timeline.
Radio Spot
Duration: 30 Seconds
"Do you know Bilal? What if we told you you interact with him everyday? Early in the morning, tired after work. He doesn't even live in your neighborhood, or even in your city. He lives in Bangaldesh. Bilal is the 10 year old boy who spends 16 hours of his day at a factory. All to make the shirt you're wearing right now. You interact with Bilal everyday. You just don't know it. Your story is bigger than you. AJ+ Complete you story. Sign up at and gte in touch with newsstories on your timeline."
Print Series:
2 page concept. Flap on the right that opens halfway and reveals the answer to the absurd question.
Sample of Planbook design, A4 Landscape
Insight: Based on AJ+'s form of delivering news, videos.
Application: Adapted from flipbooks. A video layout was designed on every left page, and the video streaming bar loaded with every proceeding page creating the illusion of a video playing. 
Al Jazeera News- AJ+

Al Jazeera News- AJ+

A brief brought on by Al Jazeera News Channel that was preparing to launch "AJ+" targeting its younger audience ages (18-25). The challenge was t Read More
