Renee Tan's profile

ORIC Kids / Branding (school project)

ORIC Kids promises organic, and something more.
We promise power nutrition.
In short, organic super foods for your kids.

We take on the brand personality of a super mom - warm, welcoming, yet expecting of her standards.
Naturally, our target audiences will be those who share the same belief as us.
Namely, the modern parent who is intended, idealistic and knowledgeable.
One who takes pride in ensuring their child grows up in a nurturing environment and is always looking for better ways to enhance their child's growth.
We want to communicate the message that your child is a miracle worth caring for.
Brand Story
Childhood is life's most colorful moments.
It is the time where we take on adventures, imagine without boundaries,
aspire towards dreams and nurture into one with morals and integrity.
It is when hopes and fantasies come alive.
And we want to be able to give that to every child.
At ORIC Kids, we believe that our kids can only grow
their best when we feed them the best.
Important Brand Elements
Color plays an important role in ORIC Kids' identity.
A pastel color palatte is chosen to associate soft, baby-like characteristics with the brand. This helps communicate the desired brand persona of being innocent and approachable.
Only 3 colors are used throughout (pink, blue and yellow) to keep the brand feeling pure and unfussed - in line with the brand's belief in purity of organic foods.
The collection of 6 motifs were created with the intend to allow future design application onto varying platforms flexible and easy. ORIC Kids' motifs can be applied individually, sub-grouped or as a whole.
The rainbow icon stands for imagination; balloon, character; tree, growth; clouds, aspiration; hot air balloon, adventure; and cotton candy, innocence - all of which are the things that make childhood beautiful.
sketches during the development stage
*Unfortunately, my hard disk crashed and the original copy and working files of this work is lost (forever). Thankfully, I'm still able to photograph the physical collaterals for preview.
ORIC Kids / Branding (school project)

ORIC Kids / Branding (school project)

A brand building strategy and corporate identity package integrated into one project
