This project was made in 2015, in São Paulo, Brazil, for the ocasion of the Israel's Independence Annivesary (Iom Haatzmaut).
Apart from the political positions it contains on the posters themselves, the presentation poster presents a cropped Israel map, which excludes the occupied territories. It's a visual choice with difficult impliances, but I hope it at least can translate that something is not right with the current situation.
What translates contemporary zionism?
Images of the XX century pictured an idealized country, a new nation, with strong workers in a fertile land. Colorful cities, still waiting for more people to come.
Today, Israel is a modern country. Post-modern.
It´s necessary to create new images for this country, in a way that we can still see it as an utopia, a significative one.
The intention with this work is to revisit touristic and nationalistic posters from the past, with a look to the State of Israel of today, with its accomplishes and challenges.
For a meaningful zionism, that allows us not only to admire the past, but build the future.
Original posters



Vintage-style israeli posters, with nowdays interpretations
