I present to you, February's installment of my year goal of doing one photo shoot per month.  This shoot was so much fun.  I got to finally photograph my good friend Scott, and the entire shoot we were laughing and having a great time.  We even named some of my equipment.
For my second shoot of the year, my goal was to work with fog.  Being my first attempt, I learned an important lesson in keeping the room ventilated, many breaks were had to let the room air out!  But despite the delays we ended up with some really amazing shots.  I am very happy with February's installment, Scott did an amazing job and the make up work by the talented Amy was perfect.  I hope you enjoy.  :]
Consctructed In Security
Conflicting Expectations
Unwelcome Rapture
Bittersweet Escape
Silent Plea
This was a bit of a happy accident...I was attempting some long exposure film shots using the digital for flash purposes only.  The film shots did not work out, but I had accidentally captured some tidbits from our attempts and was able to piece together an idea of what I was going for.  This is one of my favorites from the entire shoot.  Yay for happy accidents!
Internal Encounters

Internal Encounters

A representation of the internal struggles we all face. The February installment of my one creative shoot per month in 2015 resolution.
