Since 1985, Vietnam War veteran Jim Power has beautified NYC's East Village with elaborate mosaics. His work, called The Mosaic Trail, celebrates specific events, artists, and icons of the neighborhood. Over the decades, many of his pieces have been lost, and others removed by the redesign of Astor Place. 

Directed, Cinematography, and Editing by Daniel Albanese.
New Yorkers react to "The Emperor Has No Balls," one of five life-size statues of Donald Trump created by anarchist art collective Indecline. 

For hours, people gathered around the statue to laugh and pose for photos, while the NYC Parks Department figured out how to remove the art. One parks worker was overheard saying it had to be removed because it was inappropriate. Eventually, the figure was smashed and taken away. 

Later, the NYC Parks department released this statement: "NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”

Other statues have been installed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cleveland and Seattle.
After being rescued from a facility that sells netted pigeons to gun ranges, Rosie is returned to her flock in Washington Square Park by Betty and Larry The Bird Man.
Street video installation by Nora Breen left on Crosby Street in Soho, NYC. (5/21/2014)
Performance artist Matthew Silver alters reality and opens the Love Portal in New York's Union Square.
"My role as a clown, trickster and village idiot is to parody excessive seriousness by playing with taboos, rules, and social norms. My inspiration comes from my heart. I perform for smiles and laughter, loosening people’s armor, and opening up a portal for imagination, creativity and love." - Matthew Silver, Performance Artist (11/9/2014)
Videos: Street Art

Videos: Street Art

Videos documenting and interviewing street artist and those who create in the public sphere.
