Natasha Viljoen's profile

35mm in Hungary, Croatia and Serbia

Croatia, Plitvice Waterfalls
Croatia, Plitvice Waterfalls
Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Split, Croatia
Love in Budapest
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
The haircut. Budapest, Croatia
The mountains in Hungary
Full moon in September, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Serbian woman with Kyla and Natasa looking out from the fortified walls of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Budapest, Hungary
On a train from Budapest to Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Ethnic Serbian house double exposed with the calcified water of the Plitvice waterfalls, Croatia
The jump! Kyla jumping off a rock in Croatia double exposed with a cafe in Belgrade
35mm in Hungary, Croatia and Serbia

35mm in Hungary, Croatia and Serbia

Photographs from my travels through Eastern Europe


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