Nomad Rule's profile

Nike Military Veterans

The Nike Military Veterans Network is an internally-driven group of Nike employees dedicated to supporting veterans inside and outside the Nike family. Many veteran employees and non-veteran supporters volunteer their time for events, mentorship, and outreach. I volunteered some graphic design work for the group for some presentations they hosted with the Lone Survivor Foundation and for some on-campus Wounded Warrior events.

I'm proud to have helped out in a little way and was touched to see how big of an impact the group could make.
A patriotic Swoosh for a presentation and charity event for the Lone Survivor Foundation.
The NMV Logo-designed by Josh Iverson-plus American flag treatment I did. The NMV Leadership asked for a 'patriotic' NMV Logo to print on shirts for an event with  Wounded Warriors.
Finally landed on a texture that worked with the shape, color, and feel of the NMV logo.
My very own NMV T-shirt. It was incredible seeing Wounded Warriors donning these shirts. Awesome feeling.
The Wounded Warriors- the Old Glory NMV Shirts were designated specifically for the Wounded Warriors that day. It was an honor to see them in something that I helped create.

If you look closely enough, you can see Uncle Phil-also a veteran-in his own NMV Old Glory shirt.
Hands down my best day so far at the Swoosh.
Nike Military Veterans

Nike Military Veterans

Work done for the NMV Network. Supporting veterans.
