Carmen Irene GutiƩrrez Romero's profile

lng/SHT: Here comes the Kraken.

Here comes the Kraken
I made this illustration for my friend Lng/SHTĀ (Long// SHOT).Ā He has a really good Rap/Punk Rock (in spanish) project and one of the new songs (yet to be released) is called Here comes the Kraken.Ā This is a portrait of him as a half Kraken being.Ā 

Follow him in twitter
Or facebook Lng/SHT

Download the old songs here:

Here are some pictures of the process:
Here is the final image:
And a color variation:
lng/SHT: Here comes the Kraken.

lng/SHT: Here comes the Kraken.

Portrait of Lng/SHT as a half Kraken being.
