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Book Cover - Principles of Layout

A set of book covers, visualizing the eight principles of layout, were designed for a class project. 
Active is all about creating unpredictability in the layout. Graphics, text, figure, form, color etc. come together to the monotony of a page.
By playing with elements like angle, size, and variation in the weight of the content one can create an active layout.
Passive is about bubbling up the content in a more linear fashion. It is a simple form of layout where the content is given more importance than any graphic elements.
One can play subtly and simply with elements to create passive layout in order to maintain the linear nature of the layout.
Symmetry is about creating a harmony in the layout. No element is given more importance than any other and everything is distributed equally on the page
Weight of elements and text combined should be balanced throughout the page to create a symmetrical layout.
Hierarchy is about prioritizing the content in the layout. Content is placed in such a way that it directs the eye through the layout.
Size, intelligent placement of content and color can be experimented with to create visual hierarchy in a layout.
Asymmetry works on the principle of unity. Different elements with different weights are combined together to form a layout where everything is tied together.
By playing with sizes, color, and distribution of weight of the elements, one can form an asymmetrical layout.
Visual anchor is about creating a layout around one dominant element. The layout cannot be complete without this one element.
Graphic element and placement of content around the element are key points to keep in mind for visual anchor layouts.
Grids and margins is about giving a structure to a layout. They are used to segregate the content in a systematic manner.
Placement of content and elements with respect to one another, creating unity and harmony in the layout in a neat and clean manner are the key points to keep in mind when working with grids and margins. 
Figure and ground works on the principle of contract. The figure emerges from the ground i.e. the negative space.
Attention to negative space is more than the positive space. Experimenting with form in relation to the negative space gives rise to figure and ground. 
The spine of each book cover has a slight colour variation. When the set is put together you can notice colour gradation and the title of each book can be arranged in ascending or descending order of its length.
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Book Cover - Principles of Layout

Book Cover - Principles of Layout

A set of book covers, visualizing the eight principles of layout, were designed for a class project.
