Here is a step by step of my Midna illustration
1. Initial sketch.
2. Clean it up a bit with some line art.
3. I fill it in with some basic colors for each parts.
4. First I do some detailing on her hair, adding a gradient along it and work on her eyes a bit.
5. I add all the shadows.
6. Adding the tattoos.
7. I like to add a thicker outline along her silhouette, I don't use photoshops stroke option I like to draw it instead make it look a bit more interesting.
8. Boom! final touches and there you go.
I Hope it helps those who want to know how I work, cheers!  
Step by step

Step by step

Here is where I will put step by steps of my illustrations, let me know if there are any others you want a step by step on. Cheers!
