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REACT: A virtual exhibition curated by Kier Pfuehler


REACT is a virtual exhibition I created with Google SketchUp in 2013. In this exhibition, I hosted the work in a small starter home, with the goal to have the viewer feel more comfortable in a house-setting rather than a formal gallery-setting. In each room above, you will see works by one specific artist. Featured artists are myself, David Salle, Jeff Koons, Maria Aparicio Puentes, Karine Jollet, and Bohyun Yoon. The curator's statement is as follows: 
"The human body and human face vary drastically. Not only do people look different with their bodies, but they also react differently with their facial features and body language. These works show exactly that: the body and facial language of the human, through both the artist's perspective and the viewer's. This collection of two dimensional, three dimensional, and interactive works represent a variety of emotions expressed through the human body, whether it be through the face, through the position of the body, or a combination of both. The artists of each of these pieces have been altered said language being expressed on the human; whether it be varying the color, adding light, changing the medium, or adding impressionistic or structurl elements.
A person is most themselves and comfortable within the walls of their own home, whether it be in a house, duplex, or apartment. I chose to have this exhibition in a "starter house". Using the different rooms in the house for different pieces expresses that emotion being presented in the artwork. It also gives the viewer a different emotion when viewing the work on its own and isolated.
These works, when together, show a beautiful collection of the human form and its expressions. When viewed separately, they each convey a different message and a different emotion. Each piece gives an expression the artist meant to present, but each piece can also be read entirely differently by each individual person viewing it. That is the goal of this exhibition: to not only show the expressions from the artists, but to also get the viewers to either pick up on that expression, or REACT."
REACT: A virtual exhibition curated by Kier Pfuehler

REACT: A virtual exhibition curated by Kier Pfuehler

REACT: A virtual exhibition curated by Kier Pfuehler 2013
