The project was to pick a color as the theme for the CD. I chose to do a color scheme instead of a monochromatic design. The color had to be the name of the CD and our face had to be on the front. On the back, the name of the tracks had to correspond with our chosen color. I'm a big fan of bold, stark contrast. One of my favorite patterns is damask and I used this pattern as inspiration for the design of the CD case. 
I started with a picture of my face. I took one half of my face and mirrored it to keep the symmetry of the piece spot on. I changed everything to black and white and bumped up the contrast. I then, inverted the colors on the other half. I masked in my favorite pattern for the background and added a title to the top using a fleur-des-lis as an ampersand. The back got the same treatment as the front but with a different image and song titles corresponding with the theme.
CD Case Design

CD Case Design

Class: Electronic Imaging Project: CD Cover Design
