Jesse L.K. Overton's profile

Alaskans for Begich 2014 Senate Campaign

Alaskans for Begich Main Facebook Fan Page

The main Facebook page featured content of all types and covered wide audience range: quote graphics, links to local news articles, endorsement announcements, voter calls to action and more were all used to engage our followers.
20,852 likes   •   499 posts   •   98 events
Total Page Likes
Likes, Comments & Shares Breakdown
Total Post Reach
Alaska Natives for Begich Facebook Fan Page

One of several audience-specific secondary Facebook pages which allowed our team to produce content tailored to rural Alaska communities. We grew a very loyal and engaged following here which saw some of the highest and most consistent engagement numbers in relation to the number of followers.
4,212 likes   •   164 posts
Total Page Likes
Likes, Comments & Shares Breakdown
Total Post Reach

Alaska generally has very low Twitter engagement relative to the rest of the nation, and as such we maintained it as primarily a mirror for content produced for the main Facebook page. We saw higher activity engagement around major campaign events such as debates and election days. Live tweeting during these events yielded better engagement numbers.
3,435 followers   •   964 tweets
Total impressions, August 2014 – November 2014
Total Followers
Print Media

Print was an integral part of visual communication. Both internal and external needs were met by producing media for press conferences, newspaper ads of all sizes, helper cards to assist volunteers with talking points, voter engagement material and more.
36"x24" Press Conference Poster
Multilingual Commit to Vote Cards — English, Spanish, Korean
Newspaper front page stickers — Alaska Dispatch News, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Juneau Empire
Regional Accomplishment Volunteer Talking Point Cards
Alaskans for Begich 2014 Senate Campaign

Alaskans for Begich 2014 Senate Campaign

Print & social media visual design for Alaska Senator Mark Begich's 2014 Senate Re-election campaign.
