I came up with the idea and worked on this project in May, 2013 - before going to Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore. What I wanted to do was trying to look at one thing in different ways while self-studying how to use Photoshop. These are my very first manipulations without any basic knowledge and rules of design specifically, and of art in general.
I chose a light buld as my main object because of my personal interest and the fact that it is being used widely. I believe that the closer something is to you, the more imagination you have to use to transform it to something else. And so I did.
(Claiming: All of the stock images were taken online and did not belong to me! Since it happened long time ago, I've lost all of the sources' link and would be glad to give credits to every of those whose work is involved in mine. Thank you!)
Light Bulb

Light Bulb

I came up with the idea and worked on this project in May, 2013 - before going to Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore. What I wanted to do was Read More
