Jon Berkeley's profile

Ted Baker Christmas Window

Ted Baker Christmas Window
Santa's taking an Elfie - geddit?
Here's some work I did for Ted Baker's 2014 Christmas Window.
The main illustration features on bags and gift boxes over the Christmas season, and is also made into a 3D model which appears in the windows of Ted Baker shops worldwide. 
Here's a selection from 30 gurning extras I was asked to produce for the window backdrop. The resemblance of the elf at bottom left to Quentin Tarantino is purely accidental.
...not forgetting the lady elves, of course...
A slice of that backdrop
In-store posters. The names were chosen by Ted Baker's design team...
Here's Santa in action, mugging from the window of a couple of Ted Baker stores in London. Photos courtesy of art director Dan Maxted.
Ted Baker Christmas Window


Ted Baker Christmas Window

Window display illustrations for upmarket outfitters Ted Baker
