Why am I not using two similar techniques for one project? 
My father and my father's father were photographers. I grew up with two amazing photographers and eventually I liked photography. I am interested in photography as a hobby. 
Also I am a designer.

Why are these two techniques similar for me? 
I prefer analog photography. Because when I am taking photos, I figuratively draw something on the film. Only if I want to draw something will I take photo. This is just my idea for photography. 

This project is based on these two questions and then the project evolved on its own. 
I wanted to make abstract shapes, surfaces and stripes as a sketch for my new project. Also I wanted to make these sketches by camera. I could have used an analog camera but this time I used a digital camera. (Okay! You got me!) Because I wanted to use these photos for my project as a base and I need a high quality output. That's why I used a digital camera. 

I used light painting technique for my sketches. This technique is a kind of photography technique that uses light source as a brush and uses dark space as a background. Light painting can be like a quick pencil sketch. Dark sky or a darkroom can be your artboard and you can draw whatever you want using the light source. Studio would be a great choice for light painting. I used a little studio in my university and I used three different sized light sources with colorful filters. Two of my friends helped me when I was taking these photos. One of them was carrying the light source and moving with me and the other one controlled abstract shapes from the camera's screen. Eventually I took great photos for my new project. 

This time I used pixel based software. I imported these photos on my computer. Photos were cut, rotated, shaped and recolored by me. I made a new shape layout for almost every photo. I prepared a lot of color palettes. Usually I prefer soft or primary colors for the background and I dress it up with glaring colors on the top. Basically I choosed four or five colors from which half of them were clear or pure and the other half really bright. Also I made a new color layout for each design because the original one didn't have enough color. I wanted to give other color tones to the background instead of black. If all my designs had the same background color, that would have been boring.




Creative Fields