patita Roxy's profile

Northern Searchlight

Project Description: Designing a Logo for Northern Searchlight
Client: Northern Searchlight (a premium golf cart company with an emphasis on automation)

Design Brief:
Create an abstract logo mark using the color black.
The logo will be printed on the side of vehicles.
Reflect the company’s values (premium golf carts, automation) and appeal to a male audience.

Thought Process:
Research and Understanding:
Researched the company’s focus on premium golf carts and automation.
Considered the target audience (men) and the need for a professional yet memorable design.

Concept Development:
Explored abstract shapes and symbols related to golf carts, automation, and searchlights.
Chose a circular format to evoke a spotlight or searchlight effect.
Incorporated a stylized golf cart silhouette to represent the company’s core product.
Added a sun (day) and crescent moon (night) to emphasize 24/7 functionality.

Color Choice:
Opted for black to align with the client’s preference.
Black symbolizes sophistication, elegance, and timelessness.

Balanced the elements within the circular boundary.
Ensured scalability for vehicle printing.

Final Design:
The abstract logo features a moving golf cart over stylized terrain.
The sun and moon represent day and night functionality.
The circular boundary reinforces the company name “Northern Searchlight.”
Northern Searchlight


Northern Searchlight
