"What lies inside our heads? What lurks in the depths of our minds? From what hidden desires and fantasies are we motivated to do what we do every day? What force drives us to act in one way or another? Are we truly masters of our actions, or is there a dark entity that operates through our minds? One thing is certain: knowing oneself is like knowing every atom that makes up reality."
Our minds are marvelous. They have been capable of great feats and have created the most beautiful and majestic works on this planet. Not only can they design something material and bring it to life through an understanding of the underlying mechanisms, but they are also capable of envisioning the future, planning, acting with intention, and designing in terms of wanting to do something specific. Creativity and abstraction are two powers of immeasurable entities and extreme ambivalent capacity; on the one hand, they can give life, while on the other, they can decree the end of the world and the existence of our species. But is there something at the foundation of our higher mind? Is there an innate and pulsating force that dominates us, from which we are unable to escape, fully dependent on it and contorting ourselves like worms in a desperate attempt to resist its push? Many people believe that the unconscious is just a tale of the past century, dictated by ignorance and the lack of knowledge of a deceased doctor. Some think they have total control over their lives and those of others, and that the mere conception of such a dimension is unacceptable and impossible. People need to feel at the center of their lives; they must feel that their life belongs to them, is a gift owed to them, a sacrament, and they must convince themselves that they can dispose of it as they please. The mere thought that there may be a different reality, one that does not place our will at the center of everything, is highly misleading and capable of generating confusion and a sense of emptiness within our soul. Thinking of a chaotic world of impulses that govern us, bringing forth the most perverse and unacceptable thoughts to our consciousness, against which we erect a massive wall to forget and convince ourselves that we are good, is like imagining a head that stands between two dimensions; one damned and perverse that represents us, and one of serenity and pretense that we have constructed for ourselves.

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