The logo of the company SAMO, which appears to specialize in building skyscrapers, prominently features a stylized graphic and text. Here are the key elements of the logo:
Symbol: The logo includes a distinctive symbol that resembles a skyscraper or an architectural structure, using angular shapes to create a sense of height and stability. The design likely represents the company's focus on high-rise construction and modern architecture.

Typography: The name "SAMO" is displayed in bold, uppercase letters. The font choice is robust and geometric, conveying strength and reliability, which are crucial qualities in the construction industry.

Color Scheme: The logo uses a bright orange color, which can symbolize energy, enthusiasm, and attention to detail. This choice of color helps the logo stand out against the background and is often associated with construction and safety.
Tagline: Below the company name, there appears to be a tagline in a smaller font. Though not entirely clear in the image, it likely conveys a message related to the company's mission or vision in the construction sector.

Overall, the SAMO logo effectively combines visual elements that reflect the company's expertise in building skyscrapers, aiming to project an image of innovation, reliability, and professionalism.
Samo | Logo desing


Samo | Logo desing
