S T A T I C    A N I M A T I O N S                                                                               by Júlia Pérez

For this project, I create a static animation using a technique where a sheet with black stripes is slid over a series of images to simulate movement. This method, known for its simplicity and striking visual effect, allowed me to explore the fundamentals of motion and illusion in graphic design. Through this project, I was able to combine creativity and technique to develop a visually captivating and dynamic animation.
To begin the project, I started by studying how this animation technique works to understand how to create it effectively. I delved into the mechanics of how the black stripes interact with the underlying images to produce the illusion of movement. This involved researching the historical uses of this method and analyzing various examples to grasp its potential and limitations.

I gave considerable thought to choosing the subject for the static animation recreation. I was looking for an image that not only suited the technique but also had visual impact and dynamism. After considering several options, I settled on a drifting car. This image allowed me to maximize the motion effect achievable with static animation, capturing both the speed and excitement of the drift.
The inspiration
My animation
I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and found it to be a valuable learning experience. Creating the static animation challenged me to think creatively and problem-solve effectively. Selecting the drifting car as the subject allowed me to explore capturing movement while maintaining visual clarity. Overall, I am proud of the final result and grateful for the opportunity to expand my skills in design and animation.
Thank you!


