Below are 5 quotes about design from 5 different designers whom I admire for their work and their ideas. Each piece is meant to not only provide an inspirational quote, but also tell a story about the designer. The concept behind these designs is how we can make words say more than simply what they mean by turning them into visuals.
Massimo Vignelli - modernist designer and creator of the NYC subway map and signage
There has been some debate over this piece, so please let me know how it reads - Thanks
Paul Rand - identity extrordinaire and the creator of the IBM logo
James Victore - artist and designer with pieces in the MOMA
A.M. Cassandre - forerunner of advertising posters and typographer
Darrin Crescenzi - top young designer and creator of the new Nike Lebron James logo
Design Quotes

Design Quotes

This project was completed for a Typography 3 class at the University of Akron's Myers School of Art.
