"Desolation, a negative sentiment. The feeling of being alone, isolated, and ostracized by society without apparent reason, perhaps simply for being slightly different from others' expectations or for preferring alternative life paths. A minor diversity greatly magnified by the filters of group stereotypes, where deviating from aesthetic norms leads to marginalization and deepening lethargy. Desolation extends beyond the soul, affecting the external dimension, akin to a barren, inhospitable desert."
The desolation of feeling alone, misunderstood, and abandoned with no escape from one's own decrepit state of inner degeneration leads to a slow and progressive decline of emotional-cognitive brilliance and clarity. A constant loss of faculties, often mediated by the consumption of substances to alleviate the unbearable weight of existence on the margins of society. A society that has chosen to exclude rather than include simply because of being different from expectations. A patched-up head, half destroyed, full of holes and cuts, devoid of identity, stands like a barren tree without fruits in a patch of dead desert, destined to slowly perish, to disappear as if it never existed. A small dead tree on the left serves as a warning of a fate already sealed, waiting only to be fulfilled. The head represents the solitary man, the desert patch symbolizes the loneliness surrounding him, and the small tree reflects his soul. The black heads below, turned towards the center, stare intensely at the subject, observing indifferently, detached, as if the object of their gaze were separated from the rest of the world, an enemy towards whom no act of pity and compassion must be directed. A kind of malignant contemplative aestheticism, where one participates passively and sadistically in the annihilation of one's own kind, made possible by the activation of the mechanism of emotional disengagement, where an inconceivable conduct becomes an accepted and legitimate activity by the group. The black heads represent society's rejection of non-conformists. The background, rich in chaotic forms and colors, represents the whirlwind of emotions experienced and the distortion and chaos prevailing in an incoherent and exclusive social context.

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