Perlahan Bertemu

Merchandise Development for Perlahan Bertemu​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​When we were approached to collaborate with .TEMU and Pelant, we couldn't have been more excited. We were thrilled by the opportunity to create something unique that aligns with the values of both brands. To kick off the project, we focused on gaining a deeper understanding of each brand and their core principles. This inspired us to portray the art through mixed media exploration.
​​​​​​​Afterward, we wanted to immerse ourselves in the brand by experiencing the atmosphere at .TEMU. So, we took a quick trip to their coffee shop in Senayan. Our goal was to capture the essence of enjoying a cup of coffee while sharing stories and making connections, using photographs to portray this feeling.
We also visited Pelant to better understand their values, which stem from the belief in fostering a better relationship between humans and nature by nurturing plants. Pelant believes in doing good for the earth, so we aimed to reflect that in this project by using recycled materials and plants that had already fallen, dried, or needed trimming to promote further growth.
In summary, our collaboration with .TEMU and Pelant intertwines creativity, sustainability, and meaningful connections, through plants and a cup of coffee.
Deed Team
Art Director // Silvia Isabella
Graphic Designer // Ahmad Ghazali, Jesse Ferhat
Animator // Jesse Ferhat 
Copywriter// Adrianus Raditya
Photographer // Refi Fahreza​​​​​​​
Perlahan Bertemu