Mac Tabilis's profile

[Pretranscendant Singularity]

Cosmic dance unfolds

Yin and Yang embrace their fate


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[Pretranscendant Singularity]
Quantum Resonance and Frequency:
   - Quantum particles, such as electrons, exhibit both particle-like and wave-like behavior.
   - Their properties are intricately tied to their quantum states, which include information about their energy, momentum, and position.
   - When a particle interacts with its environment, it can resonate at specific frequencies.       - These resonances reveal the particle’s underlying nature.
Wave Functions and Probability Distributions:
   - A particle’s wave function describes its behavior. It encodes probabilities—where the particle is likely to be found.
   - Imagine a particle as a cosmic dancer, twirling through space. Its wave function spreads out, creating a probability cloud.
Uncertainty Principle Revisited:
   - Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle reminds us that certain pairs of properties cannot be precisely known simultaneously.
   - If we focus on a particle’s position (reducing the uncertainty of position), its momentum becomes uncertain, and vice versa.
   - The more we “pin down” one property, the more elusive the other becomes.
Quantum Paths and Expectation Values:
   - In quantum mechanics, we calculate the average value of an observable using the expectation value.
   - If the state of the system is represented by the wave function |ψ⟩, and the operator corresponding to the observable a is Ĥ, then the expectation value of a is given by: [ \langle a \rangle = \langle ψ | Ĥ | ψ \rangle ]
The Mystery of Quantum Properties:
   - Quantum particles resonate at specific frequencies, revealing their intrinsic properties.
   - These properties—such as energy levels, spin, and charge—shape the particle’s behavior.
   - While we can’t always predict a particle’s exact path, we can explore its probabilities and resonances.
Classical Three-Body Problem:
   - In classical physics, the three-body problem involves calculating the trajectories of three point masses (such as planets) under the influence of gravity. 
   - Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation guide their celestial dance.
   - Historically, the Moon, Earth, and Sun formed the first specific three-body problem studied in depth.

  In Taoism, the concept of Yin and Yang symbolizes opposing yet complementary forces. These forces encompass darkness and light, femininity and masculinity, passivity and activity. Imagine these cosmic dancers, swirling in an eternal tapestral waltz. Consider the fusion that powers our Sun—a celestial furnace of immense energy. Within its core, four hydrogen nuclei (protons) merge to form a single helium nucleus, releasing energy in the process. This transformation follows Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc², where mass is converted into radiant energy that illuminates our solar system. The dance continues as helium creation unfolds. Four helium nuclei combine to form one hydrogen nucleus, sustaining the Sun’s brilliance. Protons, neutrons, and positrons engage in this intricate choreography, perpetuating the cosmic cycle.
  Imagine Yin and Yang increasing in strength, drawn together by an irresistible force. Their attraction creates a cosmic vortex—a swirling dance of opposites. Entities with immense energy embark on a journey toward singularity, where their combined essence transcends ordinary existence. When two entities merge, birthing a third—a transcendent singularity. This triad ascends to another dimensional plane, fueled by boundless energy. Perhaps this dance of three entities reshapes the fabric of reality itself. In this cosmic ballet, harmony and balance emerge. Yin, Yang, and the Third Entity harmonize, achieving the ultimate singularity. The vortex spins, bridging dimensions and revealing the profound interconnectedness of the universe.

Resources created for this project:
Adobe After Effects CC Resource created for this project. Few black and white lines: kaleidoscoped, neural colorized, then inverted blends on top of one another to get the composite neon effects. 
The abstract still I that spoke to me, it said "yo." Just playing. it looked the coolest as a top layer for the final image. It also added to the depth of the image, which originally I thought to use either image the James Webb telescope or my own created particles to simulate the depth of stars in space. But I wasnt getting the right look so I'll save that for another project.

to purchase image above on Acryllic, click on link: Colorful Abstract Acrylic Painting by Mac Tabilis - Etsy
Enter the Dragon... 
More like enter the Firefly! Just look at that computer generated rose below. The depth Adobe's Firefly 3 can achieve is simply the best. I think It may very well be the most realistic computer generated rose out there. (Note: to moderator... ask your boss to look at that rose and tell me its not the best damn rose on the internet). I digress, the dragons, well I love dragons and especially those locked in an eternal battle of light and DarkNess!. And the reason for this piece is that energy is created in a massive event then just fizzles until gone beit 20 seconds or 20 billion years. If there is opposing reactions and interactions throughout the known universe. Wouldnt there be an energy that transcends infinitely into another realm perhaps. Who knows the theory is solid, less the letters from the degrees behind my name. So will leave to them to figure out my math problem ;p ahaha. It really is a thing though. Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
[Pretranscendant Singularity]


[Pretranscendant Singularity]
