Prosumer #PowerBIDashboard - V1 

I am proud to release V1 of the Prosumer dashboard for Welcomm Communications, which has these amazing features:

•  Dynamic title to change based on user selected
•  Product vertical slicer to filter all KPI cards
•  Open opportunity value 
•  Weighted open opportunity value (open opportunity x probability)
•  Awaiting installation value that reacts to date filter (good for forecasts)
•  Installed value - key KPI
•  Asset out of contract % - to plan and manage the customer accounts 
•  Contracts expiring total - to understand what to achieve in coming month
•  Average talk time and calls per day 
•  Contact strategy - to ensure customers' needs are regularly achieved

This project was developed alongside the Account Manager dashboard and will cater for the needs of Prosumer's who manage the customers with a small employee base.

Below are some of the drill-though pages I have created for this dashboard:
Prosumers V1