Sneha kakde's profile

Main Campaign Brand : Adobe Photoshop

Imagination - The journey from Imagination to reality.
From the birth of the universe to the death of the universe, today we have realised that how it all come into existence. All the things which have a worthy existence in our lives that was once the only idea and imagination. This is all started with one sparkle in the brain which led to imagination then reality. Flying birds let the sparkle in us to fly like them. It was just an imagination and today we can also fly. William Harvey just imagined that there might be tubes through which the red fluid (blood) is flowing & today we know the reality. Our imagination is one of the keys to untold worlds. As The Pablo Picasso once said "Everything you can imagine is Real." Imagination takes us to realities that were never explored and that can be anything. It is truly magical to create things out of thin air.
Photoshop gives you a platform to converting your imagination into reality. Everything that can be imagine that would be the reality. Imagination is the soil that brings dreams to life. Photoshop promotes imagination. Anything can be converted into reality with the help of this software. So, the basic concept is that imagination is everything you need to make any idea real because it all starts with the idea and photoshop gives life to imagination.
I have taken this concept of imagination to covey the new users and designers about the main feature of this software which is image editing and also 3D tab and to attract the new customers and consumers.
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Innovative Media :
Innovative media refers to the strategy by which the various innovative media agencies display the advertisements in such way that the potential customers can’t ignore them. It’s an outdoor media. It would be display at malls especially in electronic section or in the center of mall so that people can’t ignore it. It’s based on the principle of magnetic levitation.
I want to show my acknowledgement towards my friend cum brother @amietpandey and my beloved guru cum guide @hariharkharwade sir for helping in this part and mechanism of that.
Mock Ups
Main Campaign Brand : Adobe Photoshop


Main Campaign Brand : Adobe Photoshop
