My first UX project: done and re-done
ARTHOUSE was my first project for my UX certificate. After I completed the certificate, I went in and reimagined the app design with my new level of skill. The prompt followed was "Design an app for an art gallery"
Project Duration: 3 weeks (v.1), 2 weeks (v.2)
Tools: Figma, Unsplash, Material Design
Target User: Casual art enjoyers, students, travelers; aged 15+
My Role: Idea following prompt, UI/UX Design
THE PROBLEM: Art galleries have limited space in which to provide further information on the pieces they exhibit.
THE SOLUTION: The ARTHOUSE app is a system implementable by any gallery with which its patrons can scan a QR code by an art piece to learn more about it, connect to the artist's social media (if applicable), and find similar artists/pieces to drive further education and patronage of the arts.
Version 1: Wireframes
Personas and User Research:
The affinity diagram is following a moderated usability study with 5 volunteers (friends and family members). The major find was that the app needed more navigational clarity. I implemented that in the mockups by having the icon corresponding to each page be in the center, but I improved the navigation more in v.2 by just having an unchanging navigation bar.
Version 1: Mockups & HiFi Prototype
Version 2: Wireframes
Version 2: Final Screens
Doing this project with little to no prior knowledge of UX Design as a discipline had a freedom, looking back that I would not trade. The task was simply to create something to match a prompt, and I was able to start to explore what I could do and the tools available with no fear of judgement.

That judgment comes to the forefront now that I have completed the reiteration of this project. Comparing the two, or comparing myself to other designers is something I have caught myself doing frequently, but watching my own progress with this project and others lets me know that I have the capability; that the focus is on the design.

ARTHOUSE has secured my confidence and curiosity to lean into the field more, to lean into research when stuck in the design process, and get excited to learn more.

Thank you for reading  
~ Cara





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