The Product: 

Save Earth is a concept app. It has been designed for the people who care about the environment and want to do something about it. The users are mostly busy in their day-to-day life and are not able to contribute to the nature. This app will keep the users updated with the news about the part they care about most. It will also provide them with the options to support the cause in easy and hassle-free ways. Users will have the choice to volunteer or donate to the ongoing campaigns. This app will also have the feature to create campaigns and share updates and post stories with others.

Project duration:

September 2021 - October 2021​​​​​​​
The Problem: 

Ecosystems, the fabric of life on which we all depend, are declining rapidly because of human actions. Most people care about nature but don’t know what to do or where to go. If anyone wants to volunteer or donate or do the things which make a small impact in saving the environment, they have to research a lot because they don’t know from where they should start.
The Goal: 

The goal is to make a user-friendly platform dedicated to saving the earth. Because every part of the earth is getting damaged day by day, we need to focus on the entire planet's ecosystem. This app will allow the users to select the part they care about most. After which, the app will be personalized according to the selected part. For instance, a dedicated theme, news, updates, campaigns, people, etc.
My role: 

UX Designer, UX Researcher, Visual Designer

1. Brainstorming,
2. Conducting interviews, 
3. Understanding the User,
4. Paper and digital wireframing, 
5. Low and high-fidelity prototyping, 
6. Conducting usability studies, 
7. Iterating the designs,
8. Accounting for accessibility.
User research

I researched environmental degradation and how people are helping. Based on the research, I surveyed to know about the users, their thoughts, and their pain points. After getting the survey metrics, I found that 100% of the people care about nature and want to contribute. About 80% already volunteered at many events. 100% of users would like to volunteer. They would also love to start a campaign. Most of the users said that they would be happy to get an app for that. This app will update them about the latest news, campaigns, and other activities that their connections are posting for saving the environment.
User research: pain points
Persona: Rose
Problem statement:
Rose is a developer who needs to volunteer for the campaign saving environment because she loves nature and wants to do something to save the environment.
User journey map
User Journey Map shows the journey of a Rose to volunteer in a campaign, with all the opportunities to improve the user experience.
Starting the design
Difficulty with navigation was a primary pain point for users, so I used that knowledge to create a sitemap. My goal here was to make strategic information architecture decisions that would improve overall website navigation. The structure I chose was designed to make things simple and easy. 
Paper wireframes

I sketched out paper wireframes for each screen in my app, keeping the user pain points about navigation, browsing, and checkout flow in mind.
Digital wireframes 

Home Screen

There are three options on the top bar where the user can easily alternate between information about the particular part they have selected to help and issues and threats and activities where other users are sharing what they are doing to save the environment.

Lo-fi Prototype

Digital Updated wireframes 
Home Screen

After the usability study, I figured out that there is a lot of text with few images which is quite boring for the users to stay engaged. Then I decided to change the design with a more interactive and engaging design.
Usability study: parameters
Usability study: findings
Updated Lo-fi Prototype

Refining the design
Mobile Mockups
Home Screen

I have removed level options and added how a person wants to help in saving the environment. I also removed the menu option in the top left and kept all the options in the nav. bar so that users won’t be confused about what to do. Because you know the more option the more confusion.
High-fidelity Prototype

Accessibility considerations
Responsive Design

With the app designs completed, I started work on designing the responsive website. I used the Save Earth sitemap to guide the organizational structure of each screen’s design to ensure a cohesive and consistent experience across devices.
Responsive designs

The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I optimized the designs to fit the specific user needs of each device and screen size.
Responsive Website

Style Guide
Final Product
Mobile App Design
Website Design
Save Earth


Save Earth
