CARLA SAM's profile


Brand identity for Community Interest Company. Services are primarily allotmenteering, green woodwork and instructional learning. CLG is the core focus of the central motif to the brand logo, the "word stack" Connect, Learn, Grow expands upon the abbreviation "CLG", when seen in context.
Visually expanded brand identity for robust application. Logos to suit all required formats –– reinforced by a selection of brand assets: single color motifs and icons as visual prompts and "themed" graphics to inspire!
Primary / secondary colors, and brand textures. The swatches palettes are the underpinning of seamless branding – from website, to internal docs & worksheets, across custom illustrations and merchandise (see below). 
Typographic consistency and finesse was a key requirement for this community-based service. Easy-read for accessibility and legibility of clear instructional learning documents and website, are core communications.
Simple, clean and flexibility of identity required for ease of application on the client's part – across digital, print and custom items, as required...
Hand illustrated hero banners visually encapsulate the scope of services that CLG offers. A suite of individually illustrated motifs were created to offer flexibility and are interchangeable for visually diverse blog content.
Application of branding across throughout extensive website content required a series of customized graphics which act as hero banners for blog posts and double up as compact, yet engaging blog post covers.
Hand rendered graphic recording capturing the "smiles and skills of CLG". The wonderful human beings at the heart of CLG, are the heart of CLG and it was key to highlight this and have their skills shine through!
Flexibility of visual brand across merchandise, which is made available via print-on-demand services. The requirement for a brand that catches the eye, inspires the mind and the heart – also one that folks should want to support with merchandise, was essential for a viable C.I.C revenue stream.


