Concept Ideation
The concept of Sentiment(formally WorkThrough) is to give people real-time and easy access to relationship coaching through text messaging. Many times, our “go-to” source of advice on how to deal with a difficult relationship may be unavailable or “tapped out”. With Sentiment, you would be immediately connected to experienced and highly trained relationship coaches to get support on your specific relationship challenge, i.e. finances, sex, parenting, etc. I lead a team of business development professionals and designers to develop the first draft of a business model canvas for Sentiment below.
Customer Research Process
The following is the process I used to conduct research to validate product/market fit as well as the core feature for a minimum viable product.
Interaction Sketches
Based on the insight above from my customer research, I then proceed to sketch out interface interactions for an app that would help people to understand themselves better. The sketches take into account the platform that I was designing for: Desktop.
Pseudo Code
Using the paper interaction sketches, I wrote out all the interactions in pseudo code to ensure that I understood how the user’s data inputs would move and be stored in the application.
Web-based Clickable Low-Fidelity Prototype
Going back to my customer research notes a second time, I gleaned that mobile would be the ideal platform for users because it allowed users to use Sentiment anytime and anywhere. I developed a web-based clickable low-fidelity prototype for mobile to test the interactions with our target customers.
Link to mobile prototype:
I had an excellent time working with my team of business development specialists and designers. We are currently taking into account results of our prototype testing and discussing next steps for Sentiment. Here are a few lines on what folks had to say about the Sentiment prototype:  
“Thank you so much guys, this is exactly the type of app I have been looking for!”
“There are so many different applications for this type of technology.”
“When is this app gonna be finished so I can use it with my students.”


An app that helps people describe what they are feeling and needing in the moment.
