Wooden Robot
A friendly robot who runs on nothing but sunshine and good intentions.
Mutation Fairy

With her happy-go-lucky attitude, her dapper dress and a missing tooth, mutation fairy flies all around the place and with gleeful joy pulls supernumerary digits, suspicious growths and all kinds of fun clinical disorders from her numerous pockets. She is a generous creature indeed. She gives out mutations to anyone and everyone without paying attention to the time of year, whether you have been good or bad, your age or where you live. Sooner or later she will visit you and in all likelihood will keep on visiting again and again. If you’re lucky, you might get something what doesn’t do much harm or might even be slightly beneficial, like a sixth finger, but you will probably end up with a whole plethora of hereditary diseases including several forms of cancer.
The Infamous Contrast Brothers
A pair of notorious bandits who are known for spreading fear, destruction and confusion everywhere they go. Mostly known for spreading confusion, though.
The Woman Who Sneezed Ghosts
An unpleasant yet amusing condition.
Outwaiting the Stampede
People can get used to anything. If hundreds of thousands of odd animals started stampeding through your home village every other week, getting on top of the roof and waiting it out would become just a part of the routine as well.
Regretfully, this is not actually my nightmare, just a fruit of my imagination. I almost never remember any of my dreams and it’s a real shame, it just feels like so much wasted material from which I could develop ideas. I only remember two dreams I have ever had: one involves counting logs, ten thousand of them in fact, and other had to do something with dotted lines. Weird. Well, perhaps this painting will become nightmare fuel for someone else and make them dream up something interesting instead of me.
Robot God - Trinity 2.0
In the world of robots even gods are elected through wotting. The difference from the normal wotting system familiar to us is that robots are rational and always elect an individual who is actually the most suited for the job, as opposed to most prominent and charismatic as we usually do. In this case however, there were three exceptional robots equally appropriate to become gods of robots. It was decided (though another wotting) that the best solution is to combine the three candidates and create a single superior machine. Thus a new magnificent creature was born and adorned with wires and screws which have gone out of use ages ago, but still exist as symbols of robotics. It was then given the title of trinity 2.0
Insane Warriors – Shark Wielding Robot
There is a battle going and the goal of the people involved is not as much to win as it is to amuse themselves. And what is more amusing than insanity?
Here we have a robot whose choice of weapon in a shark that has been set on fire. Why such strange and unusual weapon? Because. These people are crazy, they can’t be reasoned with. Though, there is a twisted logic behind this decision. A huge part of a battle is mental warfare, scaring and confusing your enemy and a robot running at you at full speed and swinging around a burning shark is sure to perplex anyone.
This image was designed to temp you into the mindset of evil. When I say you, I do not mean a hypothetical person, I mean you, the person who was just looking at this picture and is now reading this sentence. If you just for a second though that this image is cool or interesting, my job is done. From now on you will slowly get more and more fascinated by the strange, dark and macabre, your way of thinking will gradually change without you even noticing and it is now just the matter of time until you reach the conclusion that good and evil are just concepts and when nothing really matters at all. Welcome to the other side, let’s have fun.
Lady of the Dreams
The newest attempt in my never ending mission trying to create something badass. The title is kind of a lie though, as for once I didn’t come up with this while half asleep, but while sketching. Lady of the sketches sounds stupid, so this is what you get.
Flesh Ball!!! (Why Is Everything Alive?)
When I started drawing this, this seemed like fun goofy idea, but as I continued working on it, I started thinking that this could easily be considered horror or even gore. If I didn't use such bright colors and didn't put a smile on the characters face, it would definitely be some kind of horrible competition to the death. However, I still view this as a fun image, or is it just me and I'm even weirder than I thought?
The Candle Man
The House
Bridge of Spinning Things
Probably the most random thing I ever drew. It was fun adding in all the funky details and raising the level of nonsense.


Monsters, creatures and nightmares of every sort, from goofy to frightening.
