Natalie Allrich's profile

Typographic word play and space.

Working with a single word or pair of words, create a composition to convey their meaning. You may use changes in scale as well as placement on the page to get the message across.
To start, I thought of word pairs that I thought would make for interesting compositions. These words were pretty basic so I did some research to find synonyms that would allow for more expression.

I stuck to word pairs which seemed to hinder my process. My sketches were very rough and were mostly paired with notes about different ideas or the route I was going to take. 

Going along with this, I find that starting with solid sketches leaves me to focus too much on the details on paper rather than in the composition itself. Personally, I find the process much more helpful for me when I can start in the software I’m using with a few loose sketches and lists of ideas. 

Eventually, I decided to think of single words rather than pairs. This was a much more exciting and interesting concept to me because it felt like less chaos going on in the composition and left more room for me to make the designs more dynamic. 
A few iterations using the words, "compressed", "disruption", "perspective", and "vast"
The final compositions I chose were the three as shown above. For me, simplicity was key. When designing with typography, I find it much more effective to keep the elements minimal so that the composition wasn’t confusing or overwhelming. 

My favorite composition is “Dissolve”. My first idea when given the assignment was to try and find a way to incorporate a texture to the text. I’m very pleased with how this one came out and I think if I would have gone with a word pair it would have taken away from the simplicity and detail of the word. 

I chose to have the word compression look like it was squeezed out of place, as if it had been suspended for too long and fell onto itself. 

For “Disruption” I chose to do a serif font so that the word felt very put together and proper but all of a sudden was startled by something or knocked out of place.
Typographic word play and space.

Typographic word play and space.


Creative Fields